07939 009239
Amy Barnes Consulting
Real People, Real Issues, Real Time
In our world today, the need for leaders to undertake inner work has never been greater. It is no longer an option or indulgence but it is the responsibility of every leader to understand and know their internal forces and how to work with those forces in order they can be truly effective in making a positive impact in the world.
What I Offer
Areas of Work
Reliable Results
Change, transformation and group facilitation- Organisation Development (OD)
Design and facilitation of capability building for people by utilising the opportunity of change and transformation moments in organisations.
Facilitation of group events and workshops for communities to make meaning together.
Equipping people with skills to implement desired change.
Key Influences
Experiences that shaped the way I work

Independent Consultant, Facilitator and Coach
Since 2003
I have had the pleasure of working with people from directors and heads of functions to team leaders and specialists from a broad range of sectors: Telecom, Technology, Leisure, HE, FE, Central Goverment, Local Government.
What drives me is I am only as good as what I am currently doing. Every interaction matters and every assignment matters.

Co-founder and Principal Consultant
2009 - 2017
Co-founding and co-directing an Organisation Development consulting practice in Poland. Invaluable experience in start-up, working with associates, business and brand development.
Delivered great work for great clients in local and multinationals in Telco, Banking, Technology, Business Services and Global Consulting sectors.
Intense period of managing and delivering multi-faceted programmes and projects to connect personal development, leadership development, team development and organisation development to deliver desired change.

Training in Gestalt
2009 - 2012
Enduring skills development in listening and responding to individual and groups. This training fundamentally and profoundly shaped me in a way I am not 'doing' Gestalt but the Gestalt way of seeing the world is an intrinsic part of me.

Creative processes- art making, dance, movement, music, writing, cooking
For as long as I can remember
Creativity permeates everything I do. Some of the insights from these processes have helped inform facilitation practices which I have shared in published articles and papers.
The actuality of facing blank canvases is not only an important way to keep creativity alive but it also builds capacity for working with unknown.

Clinical Work
Since 2008
From 2008 - 2010 as volunteer counsellor at MIND working with people in areas of mental health and 2009 - 2010 in the role of staff support for Brent MIND.
From 2016 to now, complementary therapist supporting and empowering people with ill-health, psycho-somatic conditions and in 'body coaching' for personal development.
Clinical work continues to develop my understanding of 'the human condition' and to expand my capabilities and capacity to work with people from a different perspective.
Clinical supervision enabled me to reflect on and learn from practice as a matter of course.

In-company management and leadership roles
1989 - 2003
An important grounding in the daily realities of managing and leading within a business unit, within a geographical area, in initiating change and in leading and facilitating whole system transformation.
For compliance documents please contact amy@amybarnesconsulting.com